
Get The Ultimate Copywriting Package From A 9-Figure Copywriter... For Only $500...

Excuse the hype in the headline. This is something I wanted to do for you guys.

I had such a BLAST with you during the challenge, I thought I could add something extra.

So, a few people reached out and asked about my training, The Copywriters Room which is usually $997.

While my usual discount is $500, what I'm going to give you is actually give you $497 off AND I'm giving you access to a few bonuses that really sweeten this deal.

Until January 1st, 2021. I'm going to be giving you this excellent deal.


The Copywriters Room Course
My Structure For Writing Million Dollar Copy...


Module 1: Find Your Core Story...

In Module 1, I reveal my outline on how to find your core story.

When you have this core story (in 3 simple steps), you immediately become way more intuitive of the needs of your market and how to position your story.

In this module we cover:

  • 3 simple steps to discover your story to relate with your customers
  • My personal checklist for what high converting sales copy needs
  • The formula I use for pre-headlines, headlines and subheadline that gets my customers hooked into reading every word
  • The words to avoid in order to keep your sales coming in, and not turn your customer off
  • And much, much more…

Module 2: Story Building...

In this module, I’m going to cover how you get your customers relating to you and how to start building a relationship in your copy.

Also how to use the opening paragraph to set up a perfect transition to who you are, why you do what you do, and introducing your product.

We’re going to cover:

  • Why writing your opening paragraph will keep your reader interested (A lot of copywriters and business owners get this wrong, once you get this right the success rate skyrockets for your offer)
  • How to introduce yourself to your customers in a way that is relatable and real.
  • Telling your story so that your customer trusts you & gets to know you.
  • How to properly announce your product so it flows into the customers mind
  • And much, much more...

(As a bonus, I also cover how to write FB ads that work and convert)


Module 3: The Close

In module 3 you get a masterclass in how to write the main body of your copy.

Everything we do in modules 1 & 2 sets up the rest of the copy and this is the bulk of your letter.

I’m going to be covering:

  • How to write product descriptions (and why most skip this step and it costs them)
  • The correct use of testimonials to allow your customer to see you are to be trusted (and how to use character testimonials if you’re starting out)
  • Why revealing the price and justifying it truthfully will positively impact your response rate.
  • My high converting guarantee and how to use it to put your reader's minds at ease
  • Signing off and the P.S’s to get your ideal customers putting money in your bank
  • My secret close that has had one of the Godfathers of Internet Marketing, Mark Joyner, confirm how under the radar it is and how it’s boosted sales from 25-37% using just 4 words.
  • And so much more…

Q&A & Hot Seats...

The last 2 hours of my training are focused around the 10 business owners and their unique niches that went through the course.

This rare insight gives you the chance to see how I answered their questions and gave them all hot seats which will lead to a lot of ideas for you.

What My Students Say...

Using the process Adil teaches in The Copywriters Room I impressed my client so much that she wants me to do a lot more work for her.

Ryan Morgan
Professional Copywriter and The Copywriters Room Student

I'm so happy that I said yes to signing up for this!! Thank Adil - you're a star!! So much goodness

Chevvy Oke
Chevvy Oke - Soulful Empire/The Copywriters Room Student

The knowledge The Copywriters Room gave me allowed me to increase my prices and confidently get more clients.

In fact I doubled my price for one service and got my course fee back within 10 days of starting!

Angie Morgan
Haphazardly Homegrown/The Copywriters Room Student

What Legends Say...

Adil Amarsi truly is the Michelangelo of Offer Creation.

Any marketing professional knows that world class sales copy is like icing on the cake... The cake is your offer.

And Adil is an artist at this stuff.

Chipping away at the marble, removing what’s unnecessary to reveal the masterpiece hidden in what looks like a simple block of rock.

Brad Costanzo
Bacon-Wrapped Business

Adil understands one critically important part of copy that most copywriters don’t — and that causes them to fail to generate results.

Adil understands not only how to write persuasively, but how to structure a persuasive argument, an offer, and a close. This structure is a secret weapon to his higher-converting copy!

Roy Furr and Master Copywriter

First, Adil has produced documented sales in excess of $500+ million for his clients, so he's obviously a master level copywriter.

Second, his formula for using storytelling in your copy is unlike any approach I've ever heard.

I told him, sincerely, that I've always disliked Storytelling copy, or at least the way it's taught.

But his method is so authentic and makes it easier to write great copy when you couple that with his impressive track record. His fees should be at least what other top marketers charge.

Plus, as Adil and I discussed after our interviews, with his two formulas, once you quickly learn them, you'll be able to write compelling copy from now on. So the value is so much greater than the price, I had to beat Adil up a bit as kindly as possible

Bob Serling
Million Dollar Licensing, World-Class Master Copywriter

I met Adil though the world of copywriting and developed a friendship through our mutual membership in NLM.

Whether you are a seasoned pro, or someone new to the game it demystifies the art of copywriting into actionable and validated steps to work to.

Simply follow as directed, ensure your copy hits all of the points mentioned, and voila You have some exceptional copy

My group loved it, and I continue (with Adil’s blessing) to recommend it as a great resource for anyone looking to master high converting and skilfully put together copy."

NOTE From Adil: The Copywriters Room expands on what I shared in NLM.

Dan Meredith
Coffee With Dan

Welcome Sequence 101:
Email sequences made simple


Email #1: Welcome to the party, pal!

The welcome email is one of the most powerful emails you could have in your arsenal.

By getting this email wrong, you'll be burning your new subscribers right out of the gate.

Doing this right, however, will not only build your authority, but also establish your positioning, and most importantly... Create a powerful bond between your readers and yourself.

In Email 1, we will cover:

  • How to structure your welcome email
  • What to include and what actions your customers need to take
  • The heavy, psychological stuff you need to know (don't worry I make this fun and memorable)
  • How to come up with your own subject lines for your first email
  • And so much more

Email #2: Let's go on a date

Email #2 is all about knowing your subscriber, building that bond even deeper while starting to wine and dine them... proverbially of course.

Inside Email #2, I'm going to share:

  • What the next steps are to keep your open rates high
  • How to keep your audience captivated, entertained, and informed
  • Why people screw this up (and how to fix it if you already screwed it up before)
  • How to use stories from your everyday life for evergreen email sequences
  • And so much more!

Email #3 & 4: The 1-2 Setup

This is a bit of a 2-parter, similar to how this email sequence is a 1-2 punch combo.

I'm going to share how you can combine 2 forms of email writing styles to create the perfect content and promotional emails, while also giving your audience Edutainment (Educational entertainment).

So in Email #3 & 4, we're going to cover:

  • How to create the right type of content to get your readers salivating to read your email
  • Why you want to cleverly disguise your content in a story
  • How to craft your story content
  • Link placement (advanced)
  • And much more.

Bonus (sorta) Including a book and video recommendation pdf that will help you with this module (you either own these books/audiobooks and the videos are free on YouTube).

Email #4 Expanded: A Call To Arms

This is going to be the latter part of email #4. Specifically, we're going to be going over how you can write a very subtle pitch into this email that leads off email #3's story.

This is the part 2 that you've been waiting for. Essentially, I'm going to show you how to write your own version of Empire Strikes Back (Yeah Star Wars references happen)!.

I'm going to share:

  • How to write a subtle pitch into your email story
  • Why your audience will appreciate this
  • How to easily ask for the sale in an email or to get the click you want.

Email #5: Adventure awaits (Stories and more):

So by now, we've reached a point in your journey where might start to wonder... "What the hell do I write about now?"

This is a question I do get asked by my private students quite often.

In Email #5, I'm going to reveal:

  • The email story formula I use
  • How to craft emails that are entertaining and share your philosophy with your audience
  • Where, in your everyday life, you can find a treasure trove of stories
  • The power of lists
  • And so much more...

Email #6: Case Studies

In Email #6, you would've pitched your product a handful of times and might feel like you're bombarding your audience to just keep buying.

But that's not a mistake, how you go about it, however... That may be.

So I'm going to show you how you can use Case studies to drive home your points and trigger the desire to buy your products and services.

In Email #6 - you'll uncover:

  • What sorts of case studies to use
  • How to leverage testimonials
  • How to ask for testimonials
  • Why they work and how to pitch your product in a welcome manner
  • When to use these types of emails and more

Email #7: Finalization & Continuation

As we reach our 7th email in this series.

What you're going to be given here is the template I use as a pitch template.

This means you're going to be selling from this email.

A lot of people don't feel comfortable asking for the sale but I'm going to give you a simple way to do so in emails.

On top of that, the formulas I share with you throughout this will enable you to keep writing beyond 7 emails and add to your autoresponder series.

In Email #7 we're going to cover:

  • How to write a sales email
  • Why they work
  • How to use my formulas and emails sequences for further emails down the line

BONUSES!  (Released over the next few days)


Bonus 1: 3 Simple Steps To Your Core Story presentation

I share how to actually create unlimited content using this 3 step formula. It's really in-depth.

Bonus 2: Understanding Your Perfect Prospect…

Avatars are cool but psychographics are the next stage up.

I share exactly how to do this in a 30 minute training.

Bonus 3: High converting swipe file.

With permission of two of my clients I'm going to reveal their sales pages for a single product and a single service.

The one for the product did a 90+% conversion rate to a dead list that netted my client a healthy, monthly 5-figure sum!

Bonus 4: Access to SSB Email module.

This is something I get asked about a lot...

"Will you teach email copywriting?" - Yes.

It's inside this training and you get access to it!

Bonus 5: Access to our FB Group (The swipe files are in here).

You'll be able to ask questions and get feedback right away.

Oh and you get to interact with me :D.

Bonus 6: Research and writing short course

A quick 30 minute-ish video where I go into how I research copy for myself and my clients while knowing what makes them tick.

Bonus 7: Dead List Revival

This is something I rarely teach but I'm going to give you the templates and outline that I use to revive dead mailing lists for clients and get them profitable.

WARNING: Not a quick fix!

Bonus 8: The 7 Types of Email

This is a new program that will be sold $997.

It'll cover the 7 different types of email stories you can use to bond to your client.

These can range from a single email, to building a full 365 day campaign using the plots and see them to fruition.

How to get started...

Enter your regular details below and complete your order to get access to this course.

What happens next...

I have to add you to both membership sites. You'll get sent access to both within an hour of joining.

Those links will be live for only 48 hours so make sure you register your accounts.


My 1-Year Guarantee

I find many guarantees aren’t properly made, so I’m going to give you an incredible guarantee…

If you can’t make your investment back in 365 days from today, then I don’t want your money.

Send me an email through our support tab and I will personally refund you, no questions asked.

At that point, if you’ve applied what I’ve shown you, had my help and still not made that investment back, then you need it more than I do.


Thanks and be continually awesome,

Adil Amarsi